About ~

About Deborah Ann ~

After years of reading with her children and passing on a love for books, Deborah was inspired to write ‘The Destiny Series’. What started out in the beginning, as a celebration of a loving, young, innocent friendship and the affecting separation after a move, spun into a mythical journey of the loving binds of friendship, deep family ties, and an intoxicating fairy tale romance, with the power of love that knows no bounds.

‘Memory Betrayal’ & ‘The Deal Series’ followed, with a leap from young adult romance to adult contemporary romance. Deborah writes stories about strong, sassy, smart, confident women and loveable, good-looking, sexy alpha men in a range of heat levels, from sweet to steamy, who always find their happily ever after.

Deborah Ann resides in Northern California with her husband and their college age daughter and son. And while it can be a balancing act at times, with how busy family life can get, Deborah sneaks in as much time as she can to slip into the lives of her characters, and the magical world in which they live…

Though each story and character nuzzles out a little space in Deborah’s heart, Danielle and Cayden are held very near and dear to her, as is their story of first love, in ‘The Destiny Series.’<3 XOXO

~ * ~

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Author Q&A with blogger Danielle, from Danielle’s Escape  
Q&A with Author Deborah Ann

Posted: 13 Oct 2014 09:43 AM PDT

I just want to thank Author Deborah Ann for taking the time out of her busy schedule to answer a few questions for her readers. I know she is a busy mom, wife, and author so I greatly appreciate it. So as she leaves her writing cave for a few minutes let’s dive in…shall we?


DanielleSo when I was in college I loved to listen to music to get me pumped up for midterms… What gets you pumped up in your writing cave?

DeborahI too am motivated by music, and it sparks story and scene ideas for me. But when I am really on a roll, I prefer quiet surroundings, to hear my own thoughts—because I’m all in my head!


DanielleWhat is the name of the first book you wrote?

Deborah– It all began with ‘Destiny’, the first book in my Young Adult Series, about athletic high school honor student Danielle Kennedy, and Cayden Bridwell, the shy brainy boy she’s ignored since kindergarten.


Danielle Where did your inspiration come from to pick up your first pen and let us into your book world?

Deborah In the back of my mind, the thought was always there; the want to write a novel. Lack of confidence and time were deterrents over the years. But the real inspiration came when, by chance, I snatched my daughter’s Twilight book to pass the time while she was at soccer practice. She’d read them all, and was a huge fan. That lit a spark in me, and reminded me how much I used to love to read. I had been so busy being a mom, and reading with my two kids, that I had forgotten that about myself: that I loved to get lost in a book world. That gave me the push to put pen to paper, and the ideas flooded in from there. I pulled out some notes and pages from an earlier attempt, did some research, and it morphed into ‘Destiny’ from there. I promised myself that I would see it through, to the final page.


Danielle Are any of your romantic scenes from Memory Betrayal related to personal experiences?

Deborah– Oh gosh… Off the top of my head, no. Though there may be pieces of personal traits and life experiences threaded through my stories and characters. That’s the fun, about writing and creating characters, putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. Acting and behaving as that character would, in scenes you’d typically not experience in reality. Just as it is when one escapes in a delicious book while reading.


Danielle Do you see writing as a career?

Deborah– I see it, and hope it’s in my grasp. It certainly is my dream.


DanielleDo you design your own book covers?

Deborah– I do design my own book covers, with the help of my daughter—when I can pin her down. She’s a wizard with Photoshop. (Me, not so much.) I usually have a vision for the cover before I have completed writing the book. I sketch a design up, then together we create, each eyeing it and throwing in little idea changes. We usually agree well when designing the look, and have similar creative thoughts and ideas.


Danielle What are you currently working on? Can you tease us just a little?

Deborah Of course. I have just completed a stand-alone adult romance “The Deal” – that might be considered erotic…? (I have recently followed up ‘The Deal’ with ‘First Sight’ The Deal Prequel.)


DanielleWhat authors do you admire or inspire you?

Deborah– Ok, going back to Twilight, I love Stephanie Meyer’s story and feel she inspired many, as well as myself. I think she, and J.K. Rowling, gave confidence and hope to writers—those who lived normal, everyday lives and who dreamed of having their work published— made it an attainable reality. More currently, there are some self-published authors whose success I admire, but the author I most admire, is Sylvain Reynard. He simply writes beautifully. So romantic and eloquent.


Danielle– Do you prefer E-reader or Paperback?

DeborahI love actual, tangible books, always have. The look, feel, and design are so much more elegant. But, typically, I read on my kindle or iPad. Content is so readily available, and, I don’t know what it is, but I can stay up all night, literally, when I am reading a digital copy. My eyes just don’t get as tired, as with print.


Danielle Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob? (I’m Team Edward)

DeborahLol… I am team Edward, all the way. That soul deep love Edward had…I am a sap for that. Well, and he was beautiful, too.


DanielleWhat are the last 3 books you have read?

DeborahRight now, this week, I’m mostly proofreading my own new romance book. But I sneak in the occasional read, just finished reading ‘That Man’ bk 1 & bk 2. Before that, ‘Wallbanger’, and ‘The Billionaire’s Obsession series’.


DanielleWhat do you like to do in your free time?

Deborah– I enjoy spending time with my family. My son and daughter are both in college, but still live at home with us, which keeps things pretty lively around our house. I attend all of my son’s sporting events—right now that’s college football. We just bought kayaks, as a new family activity to enjoy in our free time. I enjoy going to the movies, and I watch a little TV, though I am not very good at sitting still, so I am usually doing something else at the same time. But, truthfully, I spend most of my peaceful free time, writing: write, write, write, read, read, read. It is my obsession.


DanielleAnything you would like to say to your readers?

DeborahAbsolutely. I would like readers to know how thankful I am, for the chance to touch them with a story I’ve written, to share the world I created and characters that I love, if only for a few moments in time. That it means everything to me, when a reader reaches out to share how much they enjoyed one of my books, and related to or fell in love with the characters. Or to just hear how they GOT what I was trying to put into words, FELT what I was trying to express. That, is an amazing feeling. And, that I’m just getting started…


Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to answer my Q&A. I wish you the very best! XX

For the full Q&A post, visit my friend Danielle @ http://lovedaniellesescape.blogspot.com

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About Deborah Ann ~

9 thoughts on “About ~

  1. I was just wondering if there was going to be a third book in the destiny series because it kind of just stops and there is still so much more story like there wedding and who the dark haired twins are… so is there going to be another book

    • Hello Maggie!
      Thank you for your interest in the Destiny Series.:) Yes, there is a third book. You are right, there is a lot more story and a lot left hanging. Sorry. I plan at least four books in the series, and then plan to explore other characters too. I wrote and released a couple other romance books in between, but I am currently writing book three and four. So stay posted! ~ DA

    • Hello Laura,
      Thank you for your interest, and for reaching out. I’m not sure which book series you are referring to, The Destiny Series or The Memory Betrayal Series, so I will address both. I apologize for making you wait for the next book, I as a reader hate to wait for the next book in a series, too. Book 3 in The Destiny Series I plan to release later this year, if all goes well. Memory Betrayal bk 2 will be after that. If you’d like to, you can follow this link ~ http://eepurl.com/bYrSMH ~ to sign up for my NEWSLETTER MAILING LIST (or you can subscribe to my site or stalk me on social media) and receive the first news on my new releases and giveaways, maybe even some ARC’s.
      xoxo Deborah Ann

  2. Hello, I know a lot of fans asked this but I am dying to know when you are going to release the 3rd book of the Destiny Series. I read it years ago and loved it.

    • Hello Faith, thank you so much for your kind words about The Destiny Series. Those books hold a special place in my heart. I am sorry you’ve had to wait so long for the next book. Due to some personal stuff that came up, I set The Destiny Series and The Memory Betrayal Series aside to finish a contemporary romance series, and it has taken me longer than expected. I do have book 3 a good portion of the way finished, as well as a good start on book 4. My hope is to get it out by the end of the year, if all goes well. If you would like to sign up to my mailing list you will be notified first of the release. I will look to that list for ARC’s too.

      xoxo Deborah ~

    • Hello Laura!
      Thank you so much for reaching out about the Destiny Series. I apologize for the long break between books. I went through an extensive re-edit of the first two books, and I am about to re-publish them. I do not have a date for book 3 and 4, as of yet, but I will reach out to you as soon as I finish writing them.

      xoxo Deborah ~

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