~The Deal ~
By Deborah Ann
**Cover Reveal and Giveaway**
(Soon to be released December 2014)
~Copyright © 2014 by Deborah Ann~
Paperback Cover

ECopy Cover

The Deal is the story of Bethany Drake and her twist of fate journey with Adam Blaire. It was the perfect deal… ‘Sex, devoid of emotion.’ No commitment, no dating, no romance, no intimacy, or courting nonsense… Sex! Pleasure! Pure and simple. Without the tangled ties! How could they possibly go wrong? On a business flight from LAX to Toronto, Bethany Drake has the delightful, though unexpected, fortune of being seated next to gorgeous and boldly exciting Adam Blaire—the most sought after divorce attorney in Beverly Hills, with a steadfast belief against commitment and/or monogamy. Bethany, a successful graphic designer with her own agency, has never been very successful in the relationship department, and her recent breakup has left her sworn off men. But the gorgeous man beside her draws her in, compels a trust in him that she just can’t deny, and she throws caution to the wind. After an illicit encounter midair, the two end up sharing a blissful night of ecstasy in a Toronto hotel suite, which leaves them with an appetite for each other, and a brainstorm…when neither is able to get the other out from under their skin. The deal: ‘Sex, devoid of any emotion or connection, other than pure, raw pleasure. It seems a win win. They set to deliciously agreeing to the rules, while in bed, naked, armed with a tube of lipstick, chocolate sauce, and an iPad, for photographic proof. With a clear price set, the consequence, if emotions should come into play… They’ll simply walk away. Deal’s off! What they do not plan for, or expect, are the intimate moments that sneak in between the sex. The ease of comfort between them… The connection… Their soul deep need for the other… The man simply nuzzles his way into every crevice of her life.
Pre-Sale Link:
Author Amazon Link:
~There’s a giveaway too.~
Going on now until the release, on my Facebook Author Page.
Author FaceBook Link:
**Click for Giveaway**
~Learn a little about me.~
Q&A with Deborah:
GoodReads Link:
Author Website:
I can’t wait for you to meet Adam and Bethany!

~Copyright © 2014 by Deborah Ann~
Thank you so much to everyone that signed up to help support me in my cover reveal for The Deal. I greatly appreciate your support and the work you’ve put into the reveal. <3
And a huge, huge, huge thank you to my dear friend Danielle @Love Danielle’s Escape. I will never be able to thank you enough for your friendship and the many hours of help and support you have so graciously given me. Much gratitude my friend. <3 XO
Hosted by Danielle @ https://www.facebook.com/Daniellesescape

#TheDeal #CoverReveal #SupportAuthors #DeborahAnn @DeborahAnn11
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